Focus group - Primary research

Focus Group

Please click this link to listen to the audio recording of the focus group.

This was my first time conducting a focus group and I found it to be very insightful and helpful. It allowed me to have an insight into how the posters look like to people that haven't gone through the whole process. For example, I might understand what something on the poster means, but others might not. The feedback that I received made take not of the changes that I need to make and I even got very good suggestions; having a patterned background.


Man - 37 years old - Arab
Woman - 28 years old - Arab
Woman - 18 years old - Mongolian

I tried to get people of different ages, above the legal age of 18 which is the legal age for a full time job in the UK. Two of my participants are Arabic, and one of them is Mongolian. I believe that having a larger amount of people would have resulted in better results. Especially people of different ethnic backgrounds, like south Asian

Translation - From Arabic to English

"Bes" is said frequently in the audio clip and it means 'but'.

At 4:58 [talking about me, explaining what I said to the man in arabic] "she's saying should she change the background or keep it?"

At 6:06 [explaining to man in Arabic] "no it's okay she can change the whole woman, it doesn't have to be the same woman [in the draft of poster]."
At 8:51 she said: "it would be nice if the woman [in the poster] is unemployed in real life.

At 9:05 - 9:17 "no like it is actually her story, and you talk to her like and she tells; 'this is my story, and I can't get a job because I am from this country.' So you film her, just like an interview. So you film her just like a real person.

At 9:47 "yes this is much better"
9:53 "like they're fighting for their rights" [talking about the fists in the air on the logo].

Experimenting with patterned background

I'm doing this because it was suggested by one of the participants of the focus group.

I haven't completed the background with the pattern, but I added enough to realise that I strongly dislike it. However, I think it could work if I trace a pattern and make it look like it's drawn with pencil. This is because I don't think it would suit I picture of a real person. 


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