Reflective Journal

This is my reflective journal. I've noticed that for this project, I've made a slow start and little progress. My skills have improved especially in Photoshop, however, I have not completed everything according to my timetable. For example, it has taken me more than a week to complete the research. In addition, I haven't done critical research for various organisations for my case study. In all honesty, I haven't felt motivated throughout this topic because I chose the topic last minute as I had so many ideas and figuring out which one to pick to be the least complicated one, resulted in me choosing a topic that doesn't intrigue me. Additionally, I chose to do print and online media and I prefer film and television. However, I chose print and online media because I decided that I want my final major project to be film-based and I realised that I need to have a variety of media and practice so that I can figure out if I like it. Even though I haven't felt as motivated and ambitious as I should have, I have picked up from where I left off before the Christmas holiday, and I've been more efficient. For example, my pre-production and experimentation and practical skills are good. However, that doesn't mean that my research, planning and production and even problem solving have been good. I would say that my problem solving is good, but I haven't documented everything on my blog, so there is barely any evidence of my problem solving. However, I will give an example now. For the drafts for my posters, I had a difficult time tracing the image on Photoshop to make it look smooth, so I used Adobe Illustrator instead. I did the same thing for

The case study...
Neck upwards/close up photograph used in UN women campaign ads inspired me to do the same for my posters.

Date week beginning

20/11/17 - Unit 10 work - Artist Website 

27/11/17 - Researching topic and design of posters research.

04/12/17 - Working on identity logo on Photoshop 

11/12/17 -  Got feedback on my identity logo and made changes to it. 

18/12/17 - Unit 10 work - Artist Website 

03/01/18 - Working on first poster draft 

08/01/18 - Working on second poster draft 


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