
Case Study 1: HAPPY – A Mental Health Documentary.

Watch the documentary then answer the following questions:
1.What is the documentary genre for this short documentary?

The genre fits in between an advocacy genre, and autobiographic. This is because it discusses mental illness, and the advocacy genre is about public support for a cause, and mental illness is a social cause. It's also an autobiography because in one shot towards the end, the filmmaker, appeared and talked about the experiences that his friends and families had with mental illness. 

2.What conventions of a documentary does it use and why?
It uses the conventions of this documentary are:
non-fiction narrative -because it isn't a fictional story, rather it's factual and based on personal experiences
 'Unstaged' footage - the filmmaker interviews people talking about their experiences, and it isn't acted out as docudrama
 informative and educational - because the filmmaker added statistics, for example, he stated the data of people in the UK with depression 
 film language used to Shape Realism - because the film-maker's presence is visible towards the end of the documentary and there's interviews for the subjects. 
3.What documentary modes are used and why? Give evidence that includes screenshots to confirm your answer(s).

4.Give one specific area that this student documentary could be improved. It could be narrative structure, camera/sound recording or editing.

Case Study 2: Just Skate – A Skateboarding Documentary. 

Watch the documentary then answer the following questions:
1.What is the documentary genre for this short documentary?
I think it's a biographic, as it portrays the life of people in a non-fictional way. This is shown throughout the short documentary. It also has the sub-genre of autobiographic because the filmmaker documents his own life, as he has shown interest in skate boarding. Additionally, it has an advocacy sub-genre. This is because, at one point, an adult was angry at the skateboarders for skating in an area that he didn't want them to skate in. It was a social cause, and therefore an advocacy genre.
2.What conventions of a documentary does it use and why?
Non-fiction narrative - it isn't a story and actually based on peoples' experiences of 
3.What documentary modes are used and why? Give evidence that includes screenshots to confirm your answer(s).

4.Give one specific area that this student documentary could be improved. It could be narrative structure, camera/sound recording or editing.


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